Understanding Your Talents And Abilities Through Career Aptitude Tests

The Student Highlands Ability Battery and Career Exploration

The Highlands Ability Battery (THAB), a Career aptitude test, is considered the gold-standard among tools assessing human abilities or aptitudes. Developed from the pioneering GE studies of Johnson O’Connor, it is a three-hour objective inquiry into the abilities and ability patterns of the individual who completes it.

The Battery is a career aptitude test which consists of nineteen different worksamples. Each worksample is timed to measure the speed with which the individual is able to perform a particular series of similar tasks. The individual’s score on each worksample establishes whether a particular task is more or less easy for that individual. Shown together on a personal profile and bar chart, the scores achieved by each individual reveal patterns or “clusters” of abilities which require analysis by a skilled interpreter. Once these patterns or “clusters” are understood, the individual is helped to guide his life and work into more productive and satisfying channels.

And what makes the THAB even more unique is The Highlands Career Exploration Supplement (HCES). The HCES represents the latest innovative step in our philosophy that identifying a career requires a holistic approach (not formulaic) and that the individual knows him or herself best. That means the Career Supplement does not provide “the answer”; it provides a state of the art tool for exploration. It also emphasizes our Affiliates as guides during the exploration process.

As you will see, the report is built on our original foundation of understanding abilities. Abilities information has been expanded to help students better understand potential applications for their talents. That means more time can now be shifted to career exploration rather than abilities education.

The supplement builds on your Highlands Student Report by emphasizing how abilities combine.

Finally, students receive information about careers to explore based on their overall pattern of abilities. Considering degree of match with over 50 patterns, the print report contains three matches with the greatest fit with each individual’s ability profile. And, better than just listing what those patterns are, students are provided detailed information about the degree of fit with each ability in the pattern. That means, even if a pattern is not a perfect match, a student will know more about the skills they may need to develop!

Think of the HCES as an interactive experience with links to O*NET and additional proprietary information

Dr. Tavantzis and Martha Tavantzis have been certified and working with the Ability Battery since 1993. They bring their extensive background and experience in clinical work, teaching and coaching to their understanding of the results you obtain from taking the Battery. He and his wife have worked with corporations, executives, teams, adults in transition, graduate, college and high school students.

Dr. Tavantzis is one of two Affiliate Program Certification Trainers for The Highlands Company.

“If we are unclear about what we want, others will define the path forward for us”.

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